We believe that one of the fundamental components for sustainable growth is the ethical management of corporate activity. Our ethical culture and strategic thinking are formalized in the Code of Ethics, which sets out the principles, obligations and responsibilities that must be observed by employees and collaborators.

The principles of the Code of Ethics

Focus on people

Respect for fundamental rights, protection of moral integrity and guaranteed equal opportunities, both within and outside of the Group.

Open dialog

With all stakeholders in the local area (population, institutions and entities).

Maximum market competitiveness

With investment in research targeted at the development of safe, reliable and effective technologies.

Protection of environmental heritage

As a principle underlying the Group’s mission.

Integrity, Honesty, Fairness and Transparency

In order to consolidate, among all stakeholders, the reputation of a serious, reliable and professional partner.

Efficiency and effectiveness of management

Pursued also through adequate control processes, through the certification of the company, the certainty and maintenance of environmental parameters, the reliability of performance over time.

Compliance with current legislation

An absolute must of our way of doing business.

Enhancement of human resources

With the development of the skills, abilities and talent of each of the employees, following a policy of merit, within an environment that encourages maximum communication and cooperation at all levels.

Ongoing innovation

To be protagonists of the energy transition.
