We address companies operating in the industrial and service sectors, offering them a complete, versatile and reliable operational lease solution.

This solution involves the installation of a guaranteed photovoltaic system on the roof or on the ground of the customer’s property to make it autonomous in the self-production of the electricity required for its needs.

Our offer

Initial Investment and installation

We make any initial investments required and manage any incentive schemes at our expense. In addition, together with one of our qualified partners, we will take care of the installation and operation and maintenance of the system, with performance guarantees.

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Contract durations can vary depending on the payback period but are typically between 12 and 15 years. There is an unrestricted early exit from the 5th year against an agreed rent. In addition, we offer the option of handing over the installation to the customer on completion of the contract, enabling them to benefit from all future savings.

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Fully deductible fee

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In addition, thanks to Energy Team, a company that is part of our Group, we offer services and tools for correct and optimised plant management.

Why choose an operating lease contract?


The customers will start saving money immediately, with savings increasing over the course of the contract.


The energy price is guaranteed and the customer is protected from grid electricity price volatility.


The customer will reduce their dependence on grid electricity, where prices are volatile and more expensive.


The customer will increase the value of their property and take ownership of the system as new at the end of the contract period.


Each contract is drafted according to the customer’s needs in terms of duration, termination and advance payment.


We always act transparently, sharing all technical and economic aspects of the project with the client.

Our success stories

We believe that the best way to tell the story of our professionalism is through our direct experience and the words of our clients. Discover our experiences!

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