Who is Vezzaro Augusto Guarnizioni?

Vezzaro Augusto Guarnizioni S.r.l. is a company based in Lombardy that has specialised in the production of industrial seals for over 60 years. With a strong family tradition and a constant focus on product quality, the company continues to combine tradition and innovation, making it a reference point in the sector and counting some of the most prestigious brands among its customers.

Learn more about the project

Vezzaro Augusto Guarnizioni’s constant commitment to quality and innovation has also been applied to the energy sector, leading the company to sign an operating lease with us for the construction and installation of a 95kWp photovoltaic system on a new building in Lentate Sul Seveso (MB).

This system will enable the company to produce 80% of its own energy needs, guaranteeing energy autonomy and a sustainable supply. Excess energy will be sold to the grid, allowing the company to amortise the cost of the plant and generate value.

Project figures


of annual energy needs self-produced


annual economic savings


annual profit from selling excess energy to the grid

Our involvement

We took care of the initial investment and the final and executive design of the project. In addition, we dealt with bureaucratic activities, the management of authorisation procedures and permits, and the electrical connection of the plant to existing systems. Finally, we managed the approval testing and plant start-up.

We provide efficient plant operation through routine and extraordinary maintenance, while ensuring energy production and savings.

What they say about us

The move to new premises in 2022 was an important step that challenged us on several fronts. The operating lease formula with Renantis allowed us to reduce the burden of bureaucratic and operational activities required to implement the new plant, freeing up resources and energy for other activities we were pursuing during this delicate period.

AUGUSTO VEZZARO, Director, Vezzaro Augusto Guarnizioni

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